I’m Not Writing for Pubs

I don’t see the benefits. Do you?

Carol Burt
2 min readMay 27, 2021
Photo by mauRÍCIO SANTOS on Unsplash

I haven’t been submitting anything to publications on Medium. I have been published in the past by a couple of publications, but those stories didn’t do any better than the ones I just published myself.

I recently got a private note from a publication inviting me to submit to them. But I didn’t. And I didn’t answer the private note, not because I’m a shit-tater, but because I don’t know how to do private notes. Oops, I guess I better quit reading, responding, and writing all the time and look up how to do that task. I will, I will. It’s just not on my priority list right now.

I wonder if others get more responses and attention to their stories when they publish in pubs? I’ve seen some say they don’t do much better in pubs than on their own. But some seem to submit mostly to the pubs.

There are a few I want to write something for — like Crow’s Feet. But not many. And I’m still not convinced it’s worth the trouble.

I think it’s partly the old newspaper wretch in me. I want to write the story and file (publish) it. If it’s been through Grammarly and a few careful readings, I consider it good to go. I’m sure errors get through. I try, but I know I could use an editor. Heck, everyone could.

But so far, I’m not submitting to pubs and I’m kind of glad to see Medium’s big pubs going away and hoping that means more people can simply write their piece and publish it and still get good exposure and response.

Any thoughts on submitting to publications versus just independently publishing would be of interest.



Carol Burt

Former print journalist, former mayor, retired law enforcement officer. Writing about politics and government along with random personal essays.