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It’s Time to End the Republican Party

It’s representatives no longer represent the majority. Ever.

Carol Burt
5 min readOct 8, 2021


The Republican Party still exists because most people don’t keep up with the national news. The media is doing a crummy job of reporting how Republicans work against us.

They vote against everything that would help the people who are not wealthy. They have become the party that exists primarily to keep the ordinary person down in the ditch while elevating the super-rich to new heights.

Their actions are designed to keep the Democrats from succeeding in their efforts to do something for the people. After all, if the Democrats could pass the measures the progressives want, people would appreciate the Democrats. So, the Republicans try to hold them back from helping the people.

When I was a little kid, my union sympathizing dad told me the Republicans were all for the rich, while the Democrats were the party of the poor and working people.

That was 50 years ago, and nothing has changed. What he said remains as true as it was then.

Yet, the working people keep electing Republicans. All people need to do is watch the…



Carol Burt

Former print journalist, former mayor, retired law enforcement officer. Writing about politics and government along with random personal essays.