Keep Your Social Security

Vote Democrat

Carol Burt
2 min readOct 18, 2022

You know the republicans want to end Social Security, right? Well, they do, and they have said so repeatedly, yet people still go trotting off to the polls and vote for republicans who want to rob Americans of what little they have.

These people want to take the widow’s mite, the old man’s too-small stipend, the money from those who need it most, and who worked and saved and contributed to the Social Security fund to ensure they could eat during their retirement days.

Now the republicans want to take it away. End it.

No more trusty monthly stipend for the nation’s retired workers. They worked, they paid in, and yet republicans feel they should simply end the program — and push millions of older adults into poverty so deep they will be hungry and homeless.

Who the hell wants to vote for these people who want to steal grandmother and grandfather’s measly income?

Why, in fact, would anyone vote Republican? Unless one is super-duper rich, there is no benefit in voting for republicans. They do not plan to act in our best interest and never have voted to help the common good.

They’re still raising hell about Biden forgiving student loans, despite the fact these loans put millions of young people under bondage they could not pay their way out of and still live. The government allowed them to make them, the government set upon them to collect, and the government damn well needed to help them out of…



Carol Burt

Former print journalist, former mayor, retired law enforcement officer. Writing about politics and government along with random personal essays.