Oh, to be Matt Gaetz

The air must be thin at such a dizzying level of entitlement,

Carol Burt
5 min readMay 18, 2021

Reading and researching about Matt Gaetz tonight, given his alleged sex trafficking and sex with a minor, it becomes pretty clear not much is going to happen to him.

He’s up there in the clouds, floating above the rest of us. And no matter what he does, there’s going to be a soft landing, and there have no doubt been many such previous landings. He is precisely the kind of privileged party boy I cannot stand — whether he holds a position of public trust or not. But I particularly detest his kind when he supposedly represents a public segment that trusted him to represent them.

This guy. Oh, this guy. He makes me sick. He allegedly took naked photos of women onto the House floor and showed them to his colleagues while claiming to have slept with the women. What mature man would do such a thing? Poor Florida. They have this clueless frat boy type to represent them. No damn wonder Florida is sinking.

The day after his x-rated show and tell, both his director of communications and legislative director resigned. Probably a good political move on their part.
This guy is from “Seahaven” (Seaside, Florida), and his parents own the Truman house from the movie “The Truman Show.” He might as well be the guy played by Jim Carrey, Truman Burbank. Gaetz, like Truman, is blind to the lives real people live, and why wouldn’t he be? He’s never experienced life without a well-known wealthy politician father with…



Carol Burt

Former print journalist, former mayor, retired law enforcement officer. Writing about politics and government along with random personal essays.