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Open Letter to Medium

Your changes do not help writers.

Carol Burt
4 min readSep 23, 2022


First off, this month — or I think it was this month — you stop putting the icons of people with whom I regularly connect across the top of my homepage. I’m forced to remember who I usually read and respond to and then search them out. That has made it much harder to keep up with “my” writers and made me less likely to see the stories of my community.

The change of taking my “friends” off the top of my homepage did nothing but make the relationship-building you say you treasure more complicated, and I, for one, don’t appreciate it.

Why would you want to remove it when most of us appreciated it being there as a way to keep up with what our connections have recently written? Why? Who or what did it benefit? Not your writers.

I’ve been mad about it since you did it and haven’t said anything until now.

But today, I learned you have now stopped putting “chosen for further distribution” on our stories. Almost all of my stories had that notation when I checked my Medium Partner Program stats.

Maybe it meant nothing, but it made me feel a bit better about spending so much of my time on Medium and writing and responding my heart out day after day. It felt like someone was noticing that I produce good copy that has been edited and…



Carol Burt

Former print journalist, former mayor, retired law enforcement officer. Writing about politics and government along with random personal essays.