Photo by Gene Brutty on Unsplash

They Need Help

Just help them — without judging.

Carol Burt
4 min readSep 2, 2022


“They’ll just use it to buy dope or booze.”

That’s the biggest excuse people use for not helping the begging, the starving, and those sleeping on the streets. And it may be true. It is often true. But just because someone is addicted to alcohol or drugs does not mean they do not feel hunger. And these days, don’t assume everyone on the street is there because of addiction. You can safely assume they are human beings with the same needs as your own.

Some are the victims of our society and have been evicted from their homes and have nowhere to go. Not all homeless people can be dumped under the label of addict and ignored. Some think it is just to ignore people who are suffering from addiction.

It is not just. Do not kid yourself.

But if you are afraid they will buy drugs or alcohol, find other ways to help. Keep blankets or coats in your car that you can give a freezing homeless person. I know one person who buys up coats for little or nothing at her local Goodwill store during the summer and then distributes them around her neighborhood as the weather turns cold.

In this rich country, there are little kids who go to school on the coldest days without a coat. Ask a teacher. There are little kids who smell bad and are made fun of by…



Carol Burt

Former print journalist, former mayor, retired law enforcement officer. Writing about politics and government along with random personal essays.