Trump Will Make A Circus Of His Impeachment Trial

Carol Burt
5 min readDec 11, 2019
Photo by Becky Phan

McConnell hopes to avoid a circus. Trump will disappoint him.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said this week he doesn’t want Donald Trump’s impeachment trial turning into a “circus.” The US Senate will not hold the trial until after the holidays, McConnell said. It appears the US House of Representatives will almost certainly impeach Trump before Christmas.

McConnell is right to worry about the trial becoming a circus because Trump will try to make it exactly that. When has Trump not played the main clown in any event in which he’s participated? He loves a show. Remember, he’s a reality show star who got a kick out of yelling, “you’re fired.”

The world leaders at NATO were laughing at his clownish behavior a week or so ago. Last year he was televised actually pushing people out of his way as he was trying to get on camera.

He stands before the US and the world and lies so obviously that people burst out laughing — probably to avoid crying. No lie is too big and blatant for him to tell. Any event Donald Trump participates in already has a clown and will most likely become a circus.

Trump is only where he is because of Russian interference in the election, the outdated electoral college, and of the lack of…



Carol Burt

Former print journalist, former mayor, retired law enforcement officer. Writing about politics and government along with random personal essays.