We Must Roar Like Never Before

Carol Burt
4 min readOct 28, 2020
Photo by Kari Sullivan on Unsplash

Or Lose Our Freedom and Democracy.

It’s as if the country is holding her breath, waiting to see if she will be freed from Trump or if she and all she stands for are to die by his hand.

This nation cannot withstand being subjected to his insanity for another four years. I don’t even want to think about what we will look like after four more years under the lawless tyrant who has complete control of one of our major political parties.

I’m afraid of the time he’d have left, even if we elect Joe Biden in a record-breaking win. What in the world is he going to do between being defeated by a landslide — I hope — and giving up the presidency? He will not deal well with rejection, and neither will his minions.

He and Mitch McConnell can cause a lot more problems between November 3 and January 21. There are many things they can do, so much more they can ruin. What if Mitch, too, gets shown the door? Will he and Trump join up to rid us of healthcare, take our Social Security, and end Medicare as we now know it? As pure revenge, I think they will try. People seem to forget that McConnell outright said he wanted to end Social Security.

Neither man has anything to care about in terms of legacy. They will both go down in history as some of the worst leaders the US has ever endured…



Carol Burt

Former print journalist, former mayor, retired law enforcement officer. Writing about politics and government along with random personal essays.