Why is Everybody Going Naked?

Just when I sag from my head to my knees, and my skin looks like crepe paper.

Carol Burt
5 min readAug 17, 2021
Photo by dole777 on Unsplash

Have you noticed the styles the young women are wearing now? I wish we could have gone naked in summer and said it’s the style. I couldn’t have done it anyway, Momma would have whupped the dickens out of me. I don’t know who dickens was, but she was always going to whup him outta’ me.

My grandson’s girlfriend came to dinner the other night — to be fair she didn’t know we were inviting her to dinner — but I saw her navel wink at me just as she sat down at the table. Her navel! Her belly was bare at the dinner table. ‘Course hers is flat.

And the darling little doll is slim as can be. But. Her navel! I say. Maybe, I told my grandson, not come to dinner with your navel showing. The next day she was wearing a very modest skirt and traditional blouse. I felt like a heel.

Her shorts are short. Very short. And she looks absolutely adorable in them. I bet she weighs almost 100 lbs. And really, her short shorts and short shirts look cute on her. Partly because although she’s 18, she still looks like a little girl.

My grandson ought to hold on to her. She’s tiny, beautiful, and an amazingly talented artist.



Carol Burt

Former print journalist, former mayor, retired law enforcement officer. Writing about politics and government along with random personal essays.